Friday, June 13, 2008

So as many of you know I am a pretty good Jew. I currently live in Israel. I have (sometimes meaningless) sex on Shabbat (worth only one mitzvah if you use a condom!) Above it all, I don't eat pork or bottom feeders. And until the past few years I didn't even eat cheeseburgers! But recently I have contemplated trying shrimp. I don't know why, as I have never had shrimp in my whole life. But if I am going to marry an Asian man, and he is going to cook for me like the slave I need in my life, how could I possibly tell him not to make shrimp tempura, or hot n sour soup?? It just wouldn't be right. My sister loves shrimp ,and some of my most Jewiest Jew-friends eat it, so I thought I'd explore the possibility. If you know me at all you know I need to google things and research things a million times over before doing them. Then I need to talk about doing them for days on end, and usually I don't end up doing them anyways. Like the time I wanted to cut my hair like Katie Holmes' bob but then realized I have Jew hair, not Scientology hair. Anyways, so I googled the simple word, "shrimp". There were a few sites dedicated to why shrimp is a nutritious food, and some recipe sites. But about the third site down, there was one titled "G-d Hates Shrimp". It looked like a religious Christian site and cited all these verses from the Bible about unclean foods. Then it had a sign in front of a church that read, "Pinch the head, bite the tail, Go to hell". Now only a few days later did I find out that this was a parody on real born-again websites that bash gay people. But still, SCARY. Then today I was on myspace just stalking people as usual when I saw a sponsoring ad that read, "Can we eat shrimp and pork? Why did G-d make clean and unclean foods? Find out!" Except it was in all caps. SCARY. So for now, folks, I will not be marrying Asian, and will not be eating shrimp. YET. But after a few more obsessive-compulsive-search-engine-crazy nights, you never know what filth may end up in my mouth, and I'm not talking things that are circumcised.


Blogger nancy said...

momma, what if you're allergic to shrimp but don't know it because you've never eaten it? if you should decide to disobey G-d, i think you should have your first shrimps in a hospital using a sterile syringe to dispense the cocktail sauce. just to be safe.
ps- this is what i do: i sit on you, sit on you. this is what i do: i sit you. right on your head.

10:14 AM  
Blogger Two Buck Chuck said...

i ate shrimp.

1:42 AM  

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