Sunday, April 13, 2008

So sometimes I'm a late bloomer. Sometimes I let things slide for like...almost a year. WE ALL KNOW SOMETIMES I FORGET TO PAY BILLS! But I always gets back to my roots. Plus I am not a teacher anymore! I don't even currently have a serious job! I have TIME to SPARE! This is a first. And you would think it would be the answer to my every wish. Instead, I find myself...joining Facebook. Blogging. Tearing wafer cookies apart layer by layer in order to examine their insides a la the game Operation but without a human patient. Changing my clothes upwards of 3 times a day. Still not showering regularly. And blogging. So yes all 2 faithful readers, I am back in the blogging world. And don't be surprised if I post as often as I change my clothes. Lest I curl up in fetal position and die of boredom. Peace to the Middle East. Yo momma. Word to your mother.
And all those other gems of the 90s decade...I am back.


Blogger nancy said...

Two posts on the same day does not mean you're back. I need Consistency, Shomama, C-O-N-Sis-10-C.
Plus, I think you've got a mild form of Jerusalem syndrome.
I was given a zine last week that said Virgos are overcritical. Suddenly, only because I'm writing to you, I want to say 'OverClitical,' like, you know, the Venus was.
The End.

6:34 PM  

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