Thursday, July 24, 2008

There is a funny thing about the bakery where I work. Almost the first day when I started working, and the ERBs (Elderly Russian Bakewomen)-not to be confused with HRUBBMs (Hot Russian Underage/Barely Legal Boy Men)- began to train me, they insisted on letting me know that nothing in the entire bakery had lemon in it.
"What about this yellow-"
"NOT lemon!!!" they quickly interuppted me. "Iz pineapple!"
Whenever a customer orders a lemon danish or insinuates lemonity in any way, the ERBs hastily cut them off.
"NOT lemon! No lemon in diz bak'ry! Iz pineapple" they proclaim in their AOMT (Accent of Mother Tongue). However-as one former bakery employee astutely observed-almost everything in the bakery TASTES like lemon in some form or another. I mean, almost everything is GOOD, but now more than ever I am noticing a lemony tint to all the things I try. Whenever a customer asks me what something tastes like, or if something is good, I just want to smile sweetly and scream "LEMON!!!!!! ALL LEMON!!!!!" But then that would make me an OOWFBB now, wouldn't it? Guesses on final acronym welcome, and I expect all 1 replie(s) to be close to perfect or I will send you to Stalingrad. Da?


Blogger prayer.t said...

out of work fbb????

10:00 AM  

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